ATTENTION 4TH YEARS AND 4TH YEAR PARENTS! Don't leave free money on the table! Get expert help beginning your FAFSA, CADAA and/or Chafee applications at this Cal-SOAP Cash for College Workshop! The workshop will take place in HUMANITIES 206 on TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 from 5-7 PM. Visit for more information on how to prepare.
15 days ago, Brooke Martin
Cash for College
Last Friday, Heather Logan, CEO of K Dental Lab and AR Parent, visited our College and Career class to give an insightful presentation on Dental Technology. Heather brought ceramic models of teeth for students to examine and shared a behind-the-scenes look at life in a dental lab. We want to extend a big thank you to Heather for introducing our students to exciting career opportunities in the field of Dental Technology and for sharing her personal career pathway!
26 days ago, Gina Salmon
College and Career, Heather Logan
Heather Logan, College and Career Class
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Information Night! Event Details: Date: Tuesday, January 21st Time: 5:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 863 5826 5236 Passcode: 6YAdVZ What to Expect: Learn about our school's programs Meet our incredible staff Discover exciting opportunities for students We Can't Wait to See You!
26 days ago, Gina Salmon
Information Night
Ivan Ibarra-Hernandez is AR’s Student of the Month for January! Ivan is the son of Maribel Hernandez and Cesar Ibarra Fregoso. In his free time, Ivan enjoys playing video games and drawing. To date, Ivan has earned 24 college credits and is on pace to complete 34 credits by the end of the spring semester. After graduating from Academy of the Redwoods, Ivan plans to attend College of the Redwoods to complete his general education requirements to pursue a major in Computer Science. After finishing his degree, he hopes to become a software developer or an artist. Of his time at Academy of the Redwoods, Ivan says, “My experience here at AR has been amazing. I had memorable moments here and it made me grow as a person.” 
29 days ago, Brooke Martin
Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break! Here are a few important reminders as we get ready to return to school: -Classes will resume on Thursday, January 9th. -Both Thursday and Friday will follow a Friday Schedule. -Students will be released at 2:55 PM on these two days. Please note that the College of the Redwoods Cafe and Food Lab will be closed on these two days. If your student usually has lunch in the Cafe, they will need to bring lunch from home or can get school lunch in the Lakeview Room. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at school!
about 1 month ago, Gina Salmon
Welcome Back
Academy Award Winner - Sankara Carnahan Sankara is recognized for helping another Biology student catch up on a missing lab assignment. Congratulations!
2 months ago, Gina Salmon
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Information Night! Event Details: Date: Tonight Time: 5:30 PM Location: College or the Redwoods Theater 🌟 What to Expect: Learn about our school's programs Meet our incredible staff Discover exciting opportunities for students We Can't Wait to See You! Helpful Tips: Arrive a few minutes early Bring any questions you might have Parking will be available on-site. No parking pass is needed.
2 months ago, Gina Salmon
AR Map
Join us for the Academy of the Redwoods Information Night on Thursday, December 12, from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM in the CR Theater. Únase a nosotros para la Noche de Información de la Academia de las Secoyas el jueves, 12 de diciembre, de 17:30 a 18:00 en el Teatro CR. Tuaj koom nrog peb tham txog peb lub tsev kawm ntawv. AR cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv yuav qhia nej txog AR pem College of the Redwoods Theater.
2 months ago, Gina Salmon
Information Night- hmong
Information Night
Academy Award Winner - Charlie McKee This week’s Academy Award Winner is Charlie McKee. Charlie is recognized for helping Woz out.
2 months ago, Gina Salmon
Charlie McKee
The CR campus has power and will be open tomorrow. Academy of the Redwoods will also be in session. Mr. Millsap would like to thank all the staff, students, and families for handling this situation in such a professional manner. Any students who left belongings in a classroom may pick them up in the AR office. See you all tomorrow!!
2 months ago, Woz
school is open
CR Vaccine clinic is open until 2 PM in PE117! Stop by and get some healthy snacks! This clinic is open to the public, employees, and students!
2 months ago, Woz
CR Flu
Join us for the Academy of the Redwoods Information Night on Thursday, December 12, from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM in the CR Theater. If you know any friends or family members who might be interested in our program, please share this invitation with them.
2 months ago, Gina Salmon
Information Night
AR has been invited to be a part of the county wide food drive for Food For People this year! HIP club did the bulk of the collecting with the Crusade but we still have time to get even more and help those who need it most. The bins in the AR office will be picked up by FUHS on 12/11 at 3pm. Although we are partnering with FUHS this year, we hope to get a separate weigh in for just AR as well. So, bring in any non perishable items to the AR office by 3pm 12/11 to help those that need it most!
2 months ago, Woz
food drive
AR on AH - AR has uploaded some videos to Access Humboldt and now has a block on EDUC8 (Optimum Cable Channel 8) on Fridays at 9:00pm and Saturdays at 3:00pm, which also streams to Do you have an AR video you would like to have included in our rotation and archived here? Email
2 months ago, Woz
AR Logo
Olivia Ralph was honored as one of Soroptimist of Humboldt Bay's Girls of the Month for October this morning at the Eureka Women's Club. Soroptimist of Humboldt Bay has been a service club of professional women for more than 30 years. They started the Girls of the Month award to honor young women who are a bright spot in our community. This may be through academic achievement or service to others. Congratulations, Olivia!
3 months ago, Brooke Martin
Mauricio Geronimo Alejandro is our Academy Award Winner this week. He is recognized for a "Great seminar!".
3 months ago, Gina Salmon
Academy of the Redwoods on break 11/25-11/29 classes resume 12/2/24
3 months ago, Woz
turkey break
Academy Award Winner - Valentino Dominick Markham Valentino is this week’s Academy Award winner. He is recognized for displaying leadership qualities and helping in class without prompting.
3 months ago, Gina Salmon
Come to Mountain Mike's in Eureka from 5 to 9 pm tonight and help the Dance Committee "Raise Some Dough."
3 months ago, Gina Salmon
Mountain Mikes
Join us at Mountain Mike’s tomorrow to “Raise Some Dough” for the Winter Formal and Prom. Between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., 20% of all proceeds will be donated to the AR Dance Committee. 3144 Broadway, Eureka
3 months ago, Gina Salmon
Mountain Mikes